Tag Archives: Survivor
017 JP Unplugged – Survivor: Africa
014 JP Unplugged – Survivor: Borneo

In this episode Jeremiah finally starts his rewatch of every season of the CBS television show Survivor. During this rewatch he will be ranking every season to determine which one he likes the best. This episode is covering the first Continue reading 014 JP Unplugged – Survivor: Borneo
Survivor Season 34 Cast Review

I am finally back creating content for the site, and no surprise I am discussing Survivor. CBS is wasting no time in doing another all-star version of the game. I guess they figured after the success of Second Chances they Continue reading Survivor Season 34 Cast Review
007 JP Unplugged – Survivor 33 Cast Review

In this episode I will be sharing my Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X cast assessments . I will go through and give you a brief description of each player, then I will decide what category they fall in, and if Continue reading 007 JP Unplugged – Survivor 33 Cast Review
JP Unplugged – Survivor 32 Cast Preview

In this episode I will be sharing my Survivor: Kaoh Rong cast assessments . I will go through and give you a brief description of each player, then I will decide what category they fall in, and if I think Continue reading JP Unplugged – Survivor 32 Cast Preview
Survivor Second Chance
After 30 seasons of Survivor the producers have decided to let the fans choose which formal contests will be playing in season 31, Survivor: Second Chance: a concept that many Survivor fans have been dying to see play out. Once Continue reading Survivor Second Chance
Survivor Strategy Part 1
The one thing that I love to do is talk Survivor strategy, and this week’s episode provided good material. Two members of each tribe were faced with a difficult decision; they could go with “honest” or “deceive”. If they choose Continue reading Survivor Strategy Part 1
Survivor 30 Worlds Apart Preview

Survivor “Worlds Apart” starts this Wednesday, February 25th, with a 90 minute premiere and I am as giddy as a school boy! Maybe I should start by telling you about my love for this television show. I have been watching Continue reading Survivor 30 Worlds Apart Preview